

仔细阅读说明书.  一定要使用正确的表格和文件 . Use of incorrect forms and documentation will delay processing.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the forms on these pages. 你可以下载 最新版本在http://www.adobe.com. 有些形式是交互式的,允许 you to type out the needed information prior to printing the form.

别忘了在表格上签名. 你可将表格交回我们的办公室(文纳奇大堂) or mail it to: 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 金融援助 Office 1300 Fifth Street 皇冠8868会员登录, WA 98801 

有些表格是特定年份的.  一定要用正确的年份.  我们year-specific forms can found on the 形式 page for the year that corresponds to the year you are 申请经济资助. Click on the "All Other 形式: Year-Specific" button below, or use the right 手动导航菜单以转到特定年份的表单.

递交表格及文件: 学生 are able to securely submit their financial aid documents using the "Upload Documents" feature in the "Additional 资源" Tile in the ctcLink 学生服务 CenterCenter:

1. Go to Student Homepage > Additional 资源 > Upload Documents (TIP: From WVC Dashboard, click "Full Site" at bottom of menu to go to Student Homepage)

2. Select 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College from the drop down menu then click Continue

3. Enter "FA" for Document Class and choose an appropriate Document Type

4. 上传文档(年代)

请访问 http://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79750/l/1102574-9-2-student-upload-documents-fluid if you would like visual step by step instructions on how to upload your documents. For 金融援助 documents, always use Document Class "FA".



With the exception of some scholarships, all financial aid awarding uses information 在FAFSA上找到的. To receive grants, 勤工助学, and loans, you will need to start 与FAFSA合作.

All students receiving financial aid are required to read the three documents in this section.  阅读是学生的责任 the documents and to direct any questions to the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 金融援助 Office.


To receive financial aid, each student must meet the Conditions of Award outlined 在获奖信的背面. 情况每年都在变化.  阅读是学生的责任 这些授予条件 and to direct any questions to the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 金融援助 Office.


This contains important information that you should know if receiving any financial 援助资金,包括:赠款、贷款、 勤工助学、豁免书或奖学金. 阅读是学生的责任 this information and to direct any questions to the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College 金融援助 Office.


It is every student's responsibility to read and follow the Satisfactory Academic 进度(SAP)政策. 请 contact the financial aid office if you have any questions regarding the Satisfactory 发展政策. 

To be eligible for financial aid, federal regulations require students to make satisfactory progress in an eligible degree or certificate program, and to complete their degree 在该学位的学分分配范围内. 下载并阅读政策 below for more information and use the forms below to file appeals for exceptions 对于政策.


It is every student's responsibility to read and comply with the 金融援助 Satisfactory 学业进步政策. 不遵守规定可能会导致您失去当前和 未来的财政援助. Click on the link above to download and read the complete policy. 请 contact the financial aid office if you have any questions regarding the Satisfactory 发展政策.

If you have mitigating circumstances beyond your control and wish to appeal financial aid termination, please use the appropriate form below to explain your circumstances.


Use this form to explain circumstances that may have caused failure to maintain satisfactory 学术的进步. You will need to give a detailed explanation and also include what you have done to resolve the issue and to be successful in the future.


学生 who are close to or have exceeded the maximum credits allowed for financial aid eligibility (maximum attempted credits, MAC) may appeal for an extension to our Satisfactory 发展政策 when unusual circumstances beyond their control contributed to their inability to complete their degree within the allotted amount of credits.

财团的合同 & 信息表

A consortium agreement is used when a student needs to take a required course at a "HOST" school because the "HOME" school does not offer the required class in the time 框架需要完成一个学位. 重要的是:Your "HOME" school is the one who will be granting your degree.

  • 如果WVC是你的“家”学校 (your degree will be granted from WVC), you should use this form to request a consortium.  请 carefully read the 信息表 prior to completing a Consortium Agreement, as it contains information regarding requirements for completing your Consortium Agreement.
  • 如果WVC是你的“HOST”学校 (another institution will be granting your degree), you must contact your "HOME" school's financial aid office for information about a consortium agreement. 

Consortium agreements can be personally submitted, emailed to financialaid@hadeslo.com 或传真至509-682-6811. 请务必将主题注明为“联合体协议”。.


On July 6, 2013, a new provision was added to the Direct Loan statutory requirements that limits a new borrower's eligibility for Direct Subsidized 贷款 to a period not to exceed 150 percent of the length of the borrower's educational program. 在某些 conditions, the provision also causes new borrowers who have exceeded the 150 percent limit to lose the interest subsidy on their Direct Subsidized loans.

To find out how the 150 Percent Rule affects you and your student loan, download the 信息表 也可以访问 热门产品.政府 了解更多信息.

我们year-specific forms can found on the 形式 page for the year that corresponds 到你申请经济资助的那一年. 使用下面或右边的按钮 手动导航菜单以转到特定年份的表单.

2022 - 2023年的形式