

If you have received a 金融援助 Notification from our office and/or will receive any aid through the 皇冠8868会员登录 山谷学院财政援助办公室, you are required to review the information on this page that is under the section below titled "Required 阅读.“三份必读文件是:

  • 经济援助条件
  • 经济援助计划信息
  • 满意的学业进步政策

Please click on the links to review the required documents. 低于要求的阅读量 is a sample financial aid notification (award letter). 我们还包括链接 to additional information regarding financial aid funding and disbursements.

All financial aid recipients are required to review the documents in this section. It is the student's responsibility to read and comply with the Conditions of Financial 援助和满意进展政策.  如有任何问题,请直接向财务咨询 援助办公室. Be sure to review the correct documentation for the school year you have 被授予.


To receive financial aid, each student must meet the 经济援助条件 outlined 在本文档中. 情况每年都在变化. 这是学生的责任 to read these 经济援助条件 and to direct any questions to the 皇冠8868会员登录 山谷学院财政援助办公室.


Here is an online copy of the financial aid information that is required reading for all students receiving any of the following: 奖助金, 贷款, 勤工助学, Waivers or 奖学金. It contains important information that you should know if receiving 任何财政援助基金. 这是学生的责任 to read this information and to direct any questions to the 皇冠8868会员登录 山谷学院财政援助办公室.

满意的学业进步政策 for 金融援助 To be eligible for financial aid, federal regulations require students to make satisfactory progress in an eligible degree or certificate program, and to complete their degree within the allotted number of credits for that degree. 这是每个学生的责任 to read and follow the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy. 点击链接 有权阅读完整的保单. 请联系财政援助办公室 如果你有任何问题.

You can click on the link below to review a sample 金融援助 Notification. 保持 in mind that this is just a sample, and does NOT include, nor reflect, YOUR actual 经济援助计划. 

The 2022-2023 FAFSA and WASFA applications became available for submission on October 1, 2021.  We expect to start sending out 金融援助 Notifications for the 2022-2023 2022年8月开学.   All required documents must be received prior to processing.  You should regularly check your WVC student email, as well as the 叮当学生中心  for updates on your account or to see of additional documentation is required.  You may also contact the 金融援助 Office to see if you have required documents that you have not yet submitted, or if there is anything further you need to do. 

If you have received your award letter and wish to find out about requesting adjustments, additional funding or 特殊情况下, go to our 2022 - 2023年的形式 page, and choose the appropriate link for more information on each of the following 项目.

  • 入学调整请求: Use the Enrollment Adjustment Request form to inform us of any adjustment in your 入学水平.   Please do this prior to the 10th day of the Fall, Winter, and 春季学期(夏季学期第8天).

  • 贷款: 贷款, are borrowed money that must be repaid, with interest. 不发放贷款 automatically, as they require additional steps (beyond just filling out the FAFSA) 请求和处理. For more information about requesting a loan, please visit our forms page to review the loan information and download the correct forms. 

  • 信息发布: Use this form if you wish us to release your financial aid information to anyone 除了你自己.  The Release of Information form is good for one school year only and must be resubmitted each year to renew the release.

  • 特殊情况: If you believe you have 特殊情况下 that are not reflected in your Financial Aid Notification, please visit our forms page and review the information regarding 特殊情况下.

  • 勤工助学: (link is not to 形式 page) 勤工助学 funds are not packaged automatically and will not be on your 金融援助 Notification until you have been approved by the campus 勤工助学协调员. If you are interested in the work study program, contact the 勤工俭学代表名单如下:

    • 皇冠8868会员登录学生: 有关招聘信息,请联系 职业中心, (509) 682-6579, Wenatchi Hall, first floor, near the Educational Planning and Testing Center. For 勤工助学 employment information, email Felix Son Vu at studentjobs@hadeslo.com.

    • WVC奥马克学生: Contact Jocelyn Vincent-Ramsey (509-422-7809) at the Omak校园 for work-study information 以及工作机会.






12+学分= 100%奖励

9 - 11学分= 75%的奖励

6 - 8学分= 50%的奖励

1 - 5学分=奖励的25%


(must have graduated from HS and applied during 7th/8th grade)




12+学分= 100%奖励

9 - 11学分= 75%的奖励

6 - 8学分= 50%的奖励

3 - 5学分=奖励的25%

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan for Undergraduates

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan for Undergraduates



No proration; full amount of awarded loan up to cost of attendance for each term requested

贷款 needs to be requested with the Loan Coordinator in order to be added to a student's 奖pacakge


Federal Supplemental Educational 格兰特的机会

至少6学分 No proration; total aid may not exceed Cost