

The ATS degree in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) is recognized as a degree requiring the acquisition of general knowledge and basic skills in all areas of this allied 健康的职业.

教师 in the MLT program have a responsibility for the welfare of the patients treated or otherwise affected by students enrolled in the MLT program, as well as for the 项目学生的福利. 为了履行这一职责,MLT 教师 and Advisory Committee established minimum 基本功能 that must be met with or without reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the program 和研究生.

入学 and retention decisions for MLT students are based not only on prior satisfactory academic achievement, but also on non-academic factors which serve to insure that the candidate can complete the 基本功能 of the academic program for graduation. 基本功能, as distinguished from academic standards, refer to those cognitive, physical, and behavioral abilities that are necessary for satisfactory completion of all aspects of the curriculum, and the development of professional attributes required 由全体学生在毕业典礼上宣读. 以下基本函数有 been developed in compliance with the American Disabilities Act (PL101-336), and the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).

The 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College MLT curriculum requires essential abilities in information 获取和传输. 学生必须具备掌握信息的能力 presented in course work in the form of lectures, written material, and projected 图片. 学生必须 have the cognitive abilities necessary to master relevant content in basic science and clinical courses at a level deemed appropriate by the 教师. Additionally, the student must be able to hear well enough to respond to 临床实验室的重要声音. 例子包括(但不限于) to) being able to hear the telephone ring, hear the fire alarm or other warning system; be able to hear signals generated from instrumentation that may indicate normal operating status or malfunction, and be able to follow verbal instruction from a coworker or 主管.

学生必须 be able to speak in a 的方式 that is understandable (this being both clear distinct words and adequate volume) to persons on the other end of a telephone or other health care workers listening specifically to the student in person.

学生必须 be able to communicate effectively in written English in order to 将信息传递给医疗团队的成员. 适当的沟通 may also rely on the student's ability to make a correct judgment in seeking supervision 并及时协商.

学生必须 have adequate eyesight such that he/she can recognize and distinguish 颜色渐变,如尿量尺上的颜色渐变. 这个学生必须能读数字 either on a video display screen, computer printout, or legible handwriting, and interpret 图上的线和点.

学生必须 be able to safely and accurately perform patient testing in a timely 的方式. 他/她一定是 able to distinguish objects both macroscopically and microscopically. 学生必须 have sufficient upper body muscle coordination to practice safe specimen 处理. 他/她一定是 able to perform delicate manipulations on specimens and instruments 必要的完整和准确的诊断测试结果. 例子包括 (but are not limited to) being able to operate a computer keyboard; dial a telephone; handle cuvettes, sample cups, pipet tips, and reagent vials; pick up glass slides from a table top, and use a pen or pencil to write the English language legibly.

这个学生必须有很好的手眼协调能力. 手巧是必不可少的. 学生必须 be able to use a rubber bulb to draw liquid into a calibrated pipette; use a gloved finger to control the release of liquid to within 1mm of a fixed point 在移液管上. 他/她必须能够举起和移动物体.g.,装载个体 tubes in an analyzer and move test tube racks from one bench to another; isolate bacteria by smoothly moving a loop (a 6-inch wire with a looped end) over the surface of an 不撕裂琼脂表面的琼脂(凝胶)培养板.

学生必须 be able to lift his or her arms above shoulder height in order to 放置或移除架子上的物品. 这个学生必须能举起五十磅. 学生必须 be able to bend over at the waist or squat down in order to place 从抽屉和橱柜里拿走10磅或更少的东西. 学生必须 have touch discrimination in order to discern veins for the performance of venipuncture.

学生必须 be able to work with organisms that may be infectious. 他/她必须 be able to work with a wide variety of chemical reagents that may cause difficulties 对化学物质敏感的人.

学生必须 possess the emotional stability required for full utilization of 申请人的智力能力. 他/她必须能够准确地工作 在压力下安全.g., work under time constraints; read and record numbers accurately; perform repetitive tasks; concentrate in distracting situations; make subjective evaluations and decisions where mistakes may have a high impact on patient care. 他/她一定是 able to adapt to changing environments, and be able to prioritize tasks.

学生必须 possess attributes which include integrity, responsibility and tolerance. 他/她必须 show respect for self and others; and project an image of professionalism.   These technical standards identify the requirements for admission, retention and graduation 申请人及学生的资料. 毕业生应具备以下资格 进入医疗技术领域. 因此,这是学生的责任 with disabilities to request those accommodations that he/she feels are reasonable 并且需要执行所描述的基本功能.