

  • 遵循这些 大学成功的10个秘诀.
  • 回顾这些 选课小贴士.
  • 学业成功的关键之一是要有一个计划. 当你上大学的时候,你 should draft a quarter-by-quarter educational plan that includes all the required 你的学位或专业课程.
    • We recommend you build your educational plan in your ctcLink account using the Planner tool. This tool will allow you to add classes to your plan directly from the Class 直接从你的Planner (有关说明,请点击这里).
    • 或者,您可以使用这个可填充的pdf 教育计划 document and save it to reference each quarter when you sign up for classes.
  • 每个季度,确保你完成了这个 待办事项清单.
  • If you are in your last quarter of classes needed to earn your degree or certificate, 记得 申请毕业 (即使你没有参加六月的典礼).

Use the 进展程度 tool under 学者 in the menu bar in ctcLink to view your degree and certificate 要求和跟踪您的进度,以完成. 试一试 What If tool if you are considering switching to a different degree or program.

如果你已经获得了非wvc学分,你需要申请一个 信用评估 through the 招生/登记 Office to find out how many of your previous 大学学分可以计入你的WVC学位.

教师顾问和讲师设置 办公时间 each quarter when they are available to meet with students and advisees in person 或者通过电话或Zoom. 在你的ctcLink账户中找到你的指导老师的名字和电子邮件 在菜单栏的“学术”下. Use the 皇冠8868会员登录教师名录 了解更多关于 them 包括他们的办公地点.

WVC每季度留出一天作为 建议一天 to encourage students to meet with their 教师顾问 and stay on track with their degree. 

为了开始对话,这里有一些 questions 去问你的 教师顾问.

如果您想更改您的指导教师,请填写 网上更改导师表格 或者填写并提交 更改顾问申请表格 (PDF).

找到更多的转学资源和职业信息 3ywv.hadeslo.com/careertools.

Use the 等同课程指引 below to get a general idea of which classes will likely transfer to your chosen 大学入学,并满足专业的先决条件.

主页 转移资源
中央华盛顿大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
东华盛顿大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
常青州立大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
华盛顿大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
华盛顿州立大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
西华盛顿大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
主页 转移资源
巴斯蒂尔大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
康沃尔艺术学院 转移招生 N/A
贡扎加大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
传统大学 转移招生 N/A
西北大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
太平洋大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
圣马丁大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
西雅图太平洋大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
美国西雅图大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
普吉特海湾大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
沃拉沃拉大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
西部州长大学 转移招生 N/A
惠特曼大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
惠特沃思大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
主页 转移资源
博伊西州立大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
俄勒冈州立大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
波特兰州立大学 转移招生 N/A
爱达荷大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西
俄勒冈大学 转移招生 课程或者类似的东西




WVC Counselors provide a range of services that are free and confidential for all WVC学生. Their services include personal counseling, crisis intervention, at-risk intervention, problem solving strategies, career counseling, academic counseling, 重新入学申请等等. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/counseling 

WVC Knight's Kupboard food pantry is available to students on both campuses.  3ywv.hadeslo.com/counseling

WVC's 学生查阅服务 (SAS) has been designated by the college as the primary 办公室,指导,教练,并协助残疾学生. 他们提供个性化服务 accommodation services to WVC 皇冠8868会员登录 and Omak students with disabilities. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/studentaccess 

Consider applying for federal and/or state financial aid by submitting a FAFSA or WASFA形式. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/financialaid 

研究奖学金机会. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/scholarships 

WVC提供一系列助学金和学生支持计划. 检查程序 资格要求如下:

The 大学援助移民计划(CAMP) helps students from migrant and seasonal farm working backgrounds during their first 大学年级. The program provides academic and financial support services to empower students, so they have a strong foundation to build upon as they work toward a bachelor's degree. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/camp 

The 三重奏学生支援服务 program includes financial literacy, tutoring, academic advising, transfer assistance, 职业规划等等. 近一半的WVC学生有资格参加 三重奏SSS.  3ywv.hadeslo.com/trio

The 数学工程科学成就(MESA) program offers a unique combination of enrichment activities, academic support, industry involvement, and an encouraging community environment for STEM students. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/mesa

The 学生资助中心 runs five different grant programs to help eligible individuals pay for their education 也可以提供额外的学生支持服务.  3ywv.hadeslo.com/studentgrantscenter

Tutoring services are available free of charge to all current WVC学生, regardless 他们修了多少学分或课程. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/tutoring
Book a room in the library (including study rooms, the library classroom, and the 会议室). 这项服务在皇冠8868会员登录和奥马克校区都可以使用. http://library.hadeslo.com/roombooking
两个WVC图书馆都提供书籍,杂志,媒体和设备租赁. 设备租赁 包括chromebook、网络摄像头、环形灯和耳机. http://library.hadeslo.com/library-services

Find these Student Development Skills (SDS) classes on the ctcLink 类搜索 by 使用“主题”筛选学生发展技能. 


  • SDS 101学习技巧 (5 credits) – This course covers college-level study skills, including time management, goal setting, classroom etiquette, math study skills, note-taking, textbook reading and comprehension, exam preparation and test taking, basic research skills, and basic 演讲技巧.   
  • SDS 103数学学习技巧 (3 credits) – A support course in basic math principles and math-specific study skills 提高学生在发展数学方面的表现. 本课程旨在 taken along with one of the following classes: MATH 90, 92, 93, 98, or 99.   
  • SDS 114加速英语支持班 (3 credits) – A support course in writing and reading, relevant study skills, and college-navigation skills to improve student performance in ENGL 97 and ultimately 英语101. 使用工作坊的方法来协助写作作业 其他课程. 本课程是与engl97一起学习的. 
  • SDS 104压力管理 – Understanding of the nature of stress, principles of stress management and strategies for 'creating, rejuvenating, and sustaining' a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Through lectures and experiential learning, learn to reduce anxiety around tests, homework, 关系等等. 

Also, look for this class on the ctcLink 类搜索 with the math classes:

  • Math 101 (2学分)-这个 class is a for students preparing for or enrolled in a math class at WVC. 话题从 Algebra through Precalculus are individually selected by the instructor based on the 学生的需求和目标. 课程结束后,教师将决定下一步的步骤 为WVC的数学学生准备的.

NOTE: Student Development Skills classes are counted as Restricted Electives toward 艺术与科学副学士(AAS-DTA)转学学位. 

The WVC 咨询 Department provides many online tools for career exploration including 职业评估. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/careertools 


SDS 106职业和生活规划 (3 credits) – An opportunity to explore career options that best fit with a student's 个性、兴趣、能力和价值观. 包括强调个人评估. 

WVC provides links to course equivalency guides for Washington state universities 以及其他皇冠8868会员登录转账资源. 3ywv.hadeslo.com/advisingtools

Also, student should reach out to their 教师顾问 for advice and guidance on 转移. 

WVC has a diverse assortment of student clubs, both on the Omak and 皇冠8868会员登录 campus. Clubs and organizations provide excellent opportunities for social and civic involvement, 建立人际关系,缓解压力,提高技能等等. http://3ywv.hadeslo.com/students/student-programs/student-clubs.html

与多元化、公平和包容办公室联系. http://3ywv.hadeslo.com/students/support/diversity/office-of-diversity.html 

Also, consider joining the Student Senate on either the 皇冠8868会员登录 or Omak campus. http://3ywv.hadeslo.com/students/student-programs/